Wednesday, January 9, 2013

22 weeks!

Welcome to my first bikini competition prep! I'm very excited and looking forward to the next 22 weeks! it will be a life changing experience for me I know I will have my ups and downs just like with anything in life. Mark the date! June 22 2013! London, Ontario UFE Showdown! I will be gracing the stage for the very first time in a tiny bikini! I'm ready to work hard, train hard and eat right to feel awesome and look amazing! I hope to inspire many of you along the way, I know what its like to struggle with weight and not being able to focus on losing it and keeping it off. I've come very far and competing is a way for me to test my dedication to fitness and eating clean. I will be posting updates of everything I do and eat every Friday, I will also be posting progress pics. If anyone out there has competed before I would love advice and expert tips! or if your into fitness and clean eating I'm open to suggestions!


  1. I want to follow you and it won't let me. :(

    Okay, I am so happy for you and when I read what you have as a goal and I am happy for you.
    I will follow you every week and see your progress. All the best!!

    1. Thanks so much for your support!!! I'm very happy for you I did read your post on my other blog, I think thats amazing that you want to do that! I support you 100% and I will share all my tips and tricks for your own success! I hope you heal quick and I know you will, your doing very good! I'm very happy for you!

  2. Thank you Sabrina, I actually admire you that you have come such a long way and you are doing this, it must be very exciting!
    Thank you for your support, one of the hardest things for me is to make sure I eat properly and I work out 5 times a week, 1 Zumba, 1 weights, and 3 jogging. I hope it's good.
    How do you know what your muscle percentage is, how do you work it out?

    1. Hello! eating clean and every 2-3 hours is difficult but what I do and what I will be covering next week, is I prepair my meals all in advance. I cook on Sunday for atleast 3 days worth of food and freeze it and replace my meals as I take one container. Its the only way I know I will have clean and lean food to eat all day everyday! I have a scale that shows me the fat and muscle percentage, not sure how accurate it is but I believe there is also a device you can use to measure fat % but Im not too concerned about it, like I say " just look at your reflection, it speaks volumes"

  3. That's a good point and I do have a good scale Matt bought me for Christmas which shows me the fat percentage and my BMI and those are the 2 things I pay attention to. As to what I see in the mirror I still have a long way to go, I am not happy with the extra sking hanging right now but I am starting to work on that.
    For meals, I cook through the week and eat lots of veggies every day but I do indulge once in a while and I still geet nervous I will gain the weight back like I have so many times in the past.
