Friday, May 31, 2013

awesome week!

I'm happy to say, I feel better than ever! This week was one of the best weeks since January. Not that I haven't had good weeks. Whats different about this week is, as June 22 approaches I see everything coming together like a puzzle. Posing practice is in full force, my bikini is ready, haven't seen it yet but I'm sure when I put it on, I'll have this experience sink in even more. I feel calm, put together, confident, full of energy and best of all a sense of accomplishment. When I look back 20 weeks I see it like a project. I've been working on this transformation and changing things up like diet and training and learning what works for me and what doesn't. Doing research on training and nutrition was essential and thats why I say its a project and now I'm adding the final touches to what will inspire, motivate and move people to challenge

My training is weights and resistance training. Focusing on my lower abs and legs 2X/week. I'm seeing lots of results and feeling "tight". I know my squats are paying off couse my skinny jeans don't fit! My jeans seem to be loose around the waist and tight around the thighs lol yup squat if you want nice legs and butt! I spend most of my day in my gym clothes (no worries I do change before leaving the house) but they're so comfy I wish I could wear them EVERYWHERE!!!!

Today I was thinking about how its going to feel after competition. Not getting up early to fit in my training and prep meals will feel odd. Getting back into "the know" and being able to spend more time with friends and family instead of saying "I can't, need to go train" lol This is why I'm planning ahead, I have some awesome stuff I'll be working on and can't wait to start! but first, like I always say, focus on one thing at a time.

For all of you that continue to send positive vibes, thank you so much. I want this to become a feeling you can adopt and share with your loved ones. Its a priceless gift.

To Victoria and Nicole I can't express how proud and happy I am that you have stuck to your decision of living a healthier more active lifestyle. I can't express how your drive and motivation helps me everyday! keep at it!

If your in Brampton, Global sports nutrition is now serving up protein shakes! customized to your diet and flavour! they are delicious!!

Have a safe and healthy weekend! cheers!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

3 weeks out.....the weeks are flying again!

heading into week 3! ohh yeahhhh! A recap for this week. The hotel is booked, the tanning is in full force all that's needed is the completion of my bikini, fitness attire and posing practice! That will be my focus for the next 3 weeks. Posing is very important. Its what will make all the difference and you want to show your hard work on stage. Dedicating time to training is important and how you pose on stage is just as important. You want to show how hard you've worked and show your best features. So, posing is in the works!! bring on the stilettos!

This week I found myself thinking about where it all started. I wondered if I would ever lose weight and why it was such a battle, a battle I always seemed to fail. We all go thru moments in life that change us, your not sure where the energy, persistence or dedication come from but you don't ignore it once its ignited. If you want to better yourself, you need to start thinking different about yourself, your surroundings and your future. You need to know where you want to be, not only to plan your journey there but more importantly staying focused on why your doing this, this is what keeps me motivated. This is what I mean when I say "stay focused". My family and friends that take the time to read what I have to say and give me feed back is a positive group of people that only want the best for themselves, theirs and others and share the same mentality, that we all need to encourage each other to be better.We are a product of what surrounds us so lets make it one to talk about! STAY FOCUSED! I hope all of you had a relaxing and positive long weekend and wish you all the best for the coming week!

Friday, May 17, 2013

5 weeks out!

BOO! started the week off sick, in bed, allergies mix with a cold. My fear came true, I didn't want to get sick especially now that I'm going into week 5! But now I'm feeling better and even though I was sick the allergies have stayed but I'm using a nasal cleanse and taking care to keep it "clear". I've never had allergies but in the last 2 years I have been getting the seasonal nose drip and this year is resulting to be very very bad!! There's only one way now, and that's UP^, yup! I'm aiming high and I want all of you to do the same, push for another minute, another rep or another set, just aim higher! set your goal high this coming week, don't stay in the comfort zone and please do so with your meals too!

As mentioned before, on this journey I have had the pleasure of meeting lots of amazing people and this week I was able to meet a woman who will also be at UFE Showdown, her name is Rebecca Nash, she's from London Ontario and her journey to the stage is an amazing one. She was featured this week on Tosca Reno's blog, check her out here: http://www.toscareno.com/2013/05/13/stepping-in-front-of-the-camera-on-the-stage/#.UZJd7qFzZMu I cannot begin to say how many of the woman I've met are doing this to inspire and motivate others, that they too can do it! and in Rebecca's story, she's doing it to show her daughter that she can do anything she puts her heart to! So, if you cannot find the motivation or inspiration look around you, if you have kids, they look to you for inspiration, if you don't, you have family and friends who will look to you for motivation and inspiration. BE THAT SOMEONE PEOPLE REACH OUT TO.

This week is progress Friday! I have made some minor changes to the diet and have seen lots of changes in the last 2 weeks!

FAT: 17.5%
MUSCLE: 41.5%

I  know the weight is low but remember I'm in competition season and once my season is over it will be going up to a normal range. I've not lost any muscle mass which is an A++ and have managed to still lose body fat!

Here it is, to all of you who don't have Instagram, no worries I always post on my blog to show you my progress. This is a sneak peek as promised.

Motivation and inspiration is what will keep you going and for me my motivation is looking back and remembering where I come from. I'm not saying that I wasn't happy with how I looked before, I actually never had a problem with it, it was how I felt that I had a problem with. Its amazing how you feel on the inside will reflect on the outside not just physically but thru your smile, eyes and body language.

I have some very exciting news I received this week but I will save it for after my competition as I want to focus on one thing at a time. So stay tuned!

My bikini is almost complete! and I will also be getting a custom top for my sports round! I'm so excited can't wait for you to see it!! I've also started tanning and this will last about 1 month just to get a couple shades darker and for competition week I will be getting spray tanned by Monaco Sun! Thank you Louise can't wait to see you again!

Stay safe this long weekend! I hope you ALL of you enjoy the weather and good company!

Friday, May 10, 2013

I got a sweet tooth but the only thing that got something sweet was my face!

Its Friday! no party, no drinking no hanging out. I'm done my meal prep, done the errands and done the training! what a long day its been! I hate to say it but Iv come down with a form of bacterial throat infection mixed with allergies. I guess doing 8+k two days in a row made me feel awesome but it has really taken a toll on my nasal and respiratory track so theres only one thing for me to do and that is take my meds, eat clean, drinks lots of H2O and rest! thank goodness I'm off this weekend.

Adjustments have been made to my diet and yes that means gains week in and out. I'm happy to share with you that I'm losing fat while maintaining my weight and still gaining muscle!!! I cannot wait till competition day!

This week I got my swim suit and my shorts and knee highs for my fitness round. Its very exciting seeing everything come together at the same time I get nervous as the weeks fly by. So, whats next? well my bikini is almost complete, posing sessions are in the works and I got my tan on by next week!

For the first time in my life I got a fruit facial! OMG! I regret neglecting my face lol. This facial was all organic, the lady made all the products from fruits like apple and pears, she used honey and chamomile tea bags for my eyes! I feel jealous my skin got a dose of sugar! I needed this, this week was a tough one, I was telling my girlfriend about it, how I felt so disconnected from all of you. I'm 6 weeks out and I can already see how they will play out. You may see less of me :( just this week I barely had time to post on facebook, I really wish I could spend more time keeping you guys updated but these last 6 weeks.....omg..... I just remembered when I was at 22 weeks lol, anyways, I will do my best to post and keep you all motivated always remember that no matter what road you take the decision is yours!

In life we may not always have that someone that keeps us going but you can be that someone. That someone that people search for because you're unique, inspirational and motivational. Keep in mind that what you do and how you portray yourself in your world, people, friends and friends of friends will notice and unknowingly your helping someone out there that may be feeling down, sad, depressed or lonely. Yes, we do this for ourselves, for our health but what you put out there, people will respond and be prepared for good and bad, not everyone will agree with what you do or what your opinions are but learn from that and look at every situation from all angles because in this life we are constantly learning. Stay humble friends!

Friday, May 3, 2013

7 weeks out!

What a quick week its been! This week will mark 7 weeks out! I can't wait to see my finished bikini suit!! I dream about it lol. This week I've seen many people get into the groove of getting active, its something that is not easy to do but its important to understand that the beginning is hard. The support that we all want is not always there but focusing on why we are doing this will keep us motivated. It should be for the right reasons for it to become a lifestyle change. I often see people give up quickly on there goals to achieve a healthy, fit lifestyle, I was one of them, and the main reason this happens is because we expect so much from ourselves that we end up exhausting ourselves mentally more than physically. Its not easy to start and like I always say, slow is always going to get you to where you need to be and want to be instead of rushing for results. How we feel on the inside will show on the outside.

Nutrition is a topic that when thought of we tend to get lost right away. My one advice when wanting to start eating clean and healthy is to first ask ourselves why do we want to do it? Do I have high blood pressure, do I have excess belly fat, do I want to improve my mood or how do I improve my skin appearance. Assessing what we want to achieve is a great way to start a journey because like anything else we do in our lives, doing research is key to knowing what we can eat and do in terms of activity level. Its a learning process and thats what makes it all worth it because we learn what foods work for us and what foods don't. When I started my weight loss journey, I had no idea what to eat, but I know whats healthy and what is not healthy. I began to do some research and I learned about portion control and its not always necessary to weigh or measure your food but its important to know the amount of food we're consuming for us to see results.

Moderation. Its a skill that needs to be acquired. We're not born with this skill and building it up is something we need to work on daily until it's mastered. How did I start? I started by understanding what comfort food is and most of the time, us ladies have a sweet tooth. Comfort food is all mental, its the brain telling you "have this cupcake and you'll feel better" Its too bad the satisfaction of having comfort foods is temporary plus what it does to your body in the long run. Why do we always want more??? Sugar has the same effects as a drug. Sugar has been compared to cocaine because of the similar mental effects it has on the brain, just imagine all that sugar that is sneaked into our daily food intake, our bodies become addicted to this refined sugar and soon we realize that we are addicted to it! The first thing we want when we start a diet is sugar. Losing weight and becoming fit is like going to rehab. We shouldn't let food control our emotions and thoughts, it shouldn't be something we go to, to get our "fix". Why allow these foods to take control of our lives? all it does is make us miserable because we feel guilty afterwards, and who wants to feel guilty?? not me. Make the change, understand that you don't need these foods to make you feel better, all you need is the ability and skill to say no and have moderation when you're having them. Less is more :)

I wanted to talk a little bit about my diet and physical activity. I wanted to clear the air too. Its  wise to know that living off of a diet like I'm on is also not healthy. Once my competition is done I will slowly be coming off my current diet and eating fruits again and having dairy products and everything else. Although I may not be consuming these foods right now I sustain myself by taking supplements thru out the day. I often get asked why I choose to do a bikini competition? Why I choose to do one is because I was inspired to do it. If you'd like the full scoop check out my post "addressing common questions".

In life we get inspired, its what moves us, its what makes us want to achieve goals and its followed by motivation. When I started to train in January I never imagined I would get the feedback I've received and also meeting knowledgeable people along the way, I just wanted to post about this huge event that was going to happen in my life and share my experience with everyone and anyone that wants to hear me out. I never imagined it would move so many people to get active and healthy. It was always my motive to do that, but I never expected the immense support and comments I receive on a daily basis. I some days wonder how I stay motivated and the answer is "always stay focused". I love the discipline that comes with body building season. I don't like to use the word competition because anyone and everyone that does body building or trains to get on stage is already a winner. Even if you never decide to do a show, your already a winner and that's what keeps me going. You don't need to do hours and hours of training its about what you do for yourself, its the time you put into yourself to be healthy despite the world around you.

A healthy lifestyle to me, in one word means BALANCE. Once balance is reached everything else in our lives will become balanced.

There are so many of you that are inspiring me and motivating me on a daily basis and  I want to also give a BIG shout out to a woman that although we don't see each other on a daily basis, we are connected no matter where we are in life. She's an inspirational woman because she fights and what I mean by fight is, she faces life head on. Even in her darkest moment in life, facing cancer, she stood up and showed and is still showing the world that she has it in her to be who she needs to be not only for herself but for her beautiful family. You may not know this, but you have done so much for me, just you being you, has taught me a great lesson in life. Life isn't easy but having a woman like you around makes it a life worth living for. Thank you Alicia Bastalla for showing me that there's nothing holding us back except for ourselves, thank you for showing me that in life we must fight and when we do, do it from the heart. I wanted to add that I'm very happy to see you doing what you love; taking care of people. Congratulations on finishing your nursing course! I wish you all the best in your new journey!

Thank you to everyone who is supporting me and keeping me going.

P.S its progress pic time.

This week I went heavy on the legs and core training.

Keep pushing on! your efforts will show!