Friday, June 14, 2013


From weeks to days! I see the finish line and see so much happening once I get there. This week was a mix bag of emotions lol. Low carbing, no sugar and trying to push every ounce of energy for a work out; its been tough. What I learned this week is, when you feel like you can't anymore, that's when you can either give in or opt out. Giving in would probably be the easy choice while opting out of that mentality takes peep talk (Thanks Diana, Victoria, Michelle and Alex L!). Thinking and rationalizing with one self is the HARDEST action ever!!! its a battle against yourself. You're the only one that can destroy yourself inside out or build yourself inside out. Choosing the kind of mentality you want to put forth will determine your outcome. To plan ahead we need to realizing the amount of energy, time, sweat and tears you've invested, the time we can look back, to give us that sense of fortification we all need.

Looking back from the time I started in January I cannot recall anything outstandingly negative. I can mention a bunch of positive things that have happened and know that every one of those moments have led up to this moment. Its the bricks you choose to lay down that will put a smile on your face.

Signing up for this bikini and fitness competition has done so much for me, more than I initially expected, and I guess that's the beauty of life; don't have expectations, just do it.

Giving so much of myself and expecting nothing in return has had a positive outcome. I'm so blessed to have made long term friends these past 6 months. I'm floored when I see such positivity coming from my friends who have so much going on in their life but still choose to make a difference for themselves. I us to say "at this point in my life I don't need to make any friends" and now I realize that I first needed to become my own friend, accept myself for me and provide a positive quality to a friendship, this is coming from a girl who was pretty much a loner. I believe now that, there's no need to try so hard to have people accept you, just be you and the people who are meant to be in your circle, in your world, will be there when you need it most and those are the people you embrace for life.

So, they say, the last 2 weeks are the fun part, well indeed they are! Shopping for jewelry, accessories, getting pampered and taking it easy is something I welcome with open arms!

What the next week will look like for me:
Saturday June 15- hitting the salon
Monday June 17- Last posing session with the beautiful Diana Araujo
Tuesday June 18- Mani/pedi
Wednesday June 19- Hair done up. 1st coat of tanning with Louise Dudley from Monaco Sun
Thursday June 20- 2nd coat of tanning
Friday June 21- 3rd coat of tanning. Leaving to London for the athlete meeting
Saturday June 22!!!- Hair & makeup, get all glammed up and the rest of the day will be full of making awesome memories so, bring your camera!!

**Besides all the above I will continue to train till Wednesday June 19, I'll be doing light lifting**

Have a beautiful weekend!

 just so everyone whose coming June 22 and those who cannot make it, DQ will be a must have, so, have an ice cream to celebrate with me!

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