Saturday, June 8, 2013

13 days!

Here's a little insight on what a typical day is like now that I'm close to June 22!

6:30am- ALARM! GET UP!
6:45am- Have all my stuff ready (BCAA, journal, sweater & water) Head downstairs to my gym.
7am- Stretching and start training (its mainly been focused on legs and abs but I do incorporate bi's/tri's/shoulders/chest and back 2-3X/week) I will now be adding 45min cardio till the week of competition and do evening weight training.
8am- cool down....start breakfast
8:30am- Breakfast served (egg whites, 1 whole egg, chicken and green string beans)
8:45am- check e-mail/Facebook
9am- get ready for work
9:30am- Have all my meals prepped and ready to go (cooked and weighed the evening before)
10am- @work till 5:30pm
5:45pm- Tan
6:30pm- Take a nap
7:15pm- Up and ready to train the 2nd time (using resistance bands and body weight training)
8:45pm-heating up dinner
9am- REST (catch up with friends)
11am- Last meal
11:30pm- ZZZZZZ time!!!

13 days to go! I'll be hitting the stage and bringing you all with me to motivate you and let you know you can push yourself as far as you're willing to go. YOU are the only one in control of your thoughts and decisions. We often become too concerned about how other people will look at us but looking at the big picture (YOU & ONLY YOU) what really matters is what's on the inside. How you feel inside will shine thru and reflect on the outside. You need to be positive to attract positivity. I often get asked "what motivates you"? I say YOU! and I say YOU because you're also seeking positivity and motivation.

I know many of you have become motivated to change your life for the better, making better decisions, slowing down and realizing that life isn't always about working, technology or spending money. Without good health, not just physically but mentally, none of these things are possible. On this journey to the stage, it been an experience unlike anything I've ever lived. Its changed the way I think, the way I talk and the way I react. I now realize that what I was doing before (the same thing over and over again, expecting different results) DOES NOT WORK! change it! try a different way, look at things from a different perspective and see what results you get. It won't always be clear or it may not sound like something you're comfortable with but that's the only way to change our lifestyle to a better one. I now realize that without my health, I can't do anything. If I feel pain it takes away from how I could potentially feel today or if there's too much drama in my life it can potentially cause underlying stress which leads to over eating. Ever wonder why gossip and chats happen over drinks or coffee? We eat what will make us feel better at the moment which only solves the symptom not the root of the problem.

Another question I get is how do I deal with negativity. Negativity lives within us all. Its tough to fight off. I deal with negativity by doing positive things for myself and in turn seeing others thrive on motivation or inspiration by doing so. Its a skill not easy attainable, mainly because we can become negative people very quickly while trying to think of positivity is something we need to dig for in our mind or create for ourselves and once you allow the negativity to sink in, its hard to forget about it. I always think about how I want to feel. People who have a negative attitude often feel "big" or "powerful" bringing people down and in my own personal opinion not allowing them to do so right from the beginning will make them feel "little" and "weak". The positive thing about dealing with it this way is that they usually leave you alone and feel cut off right away but once they know they can manipulate how you feel, unfortunately your allowing them to walk all over you. So, my advice is when negativity creeps in (your negativity or an outside influence) immediately shut it down don't feed the monster!!

With the final touches till June 22, this week was more of an emotional roller coaster than hunger pains! Being carb depleted is something that effects more of your emotional side rather than craving chocolate or pizza! which, by the way, I have not been craving! YAY! Like I mentioned in previous posts, I chose to take this challenge on and I would never expect anyone to understand what its like unless you've gone thru it but I will say this, if you don't understand it or get it, its better to NOT push it. Fair warning is always given lol

I'm not sure how many of you will be coming on June 22 but I'm letting everyone know, ALL OF YOU ARE WELCOME TO COME!!! Below is the information for location, time and so on.

Centennial Hall
550 Wellington Street
London, ON
N6A 3P9 Canada

The show will start @10am and there will be an intermission once all the athletes have taken the stage. The show will end @2pm.

Tickets will be sold at the door. $30/person

Come out and support a great natural sport. All the athletes put in their focus and dedication to showcasing their hard work.

Once again thank you to everyone who is able to come out and if you're unable to, I will be posting pictures (if I can during the intermission) so stay tuned!


  1. Wow I really like what you wrote. You are so write when our health is not okay or when we have too much negativity in us or around us we can't achieve anything we want. So yes we have to cut it from the beginning so it doesn't drag us. We starve the negative monster by ignoring it and shutting it down from our lives. I'm so happy for you, i know some days it must've been hard for you to keep going, but you have come along way Sabi. I'm sure everything is gonna turn great. Thanks for posting the details of the show.

  2. I find that if we approach any situation without animosity our overall feeling and outcome will be much better. We choose how we want our day to be like not outside intruders. I'm happy you liked the post!

  3. True it always good to do what you say and approach certain situations without animosity. Although in some cases our problems are plainly serious so we might have to find other ways to cope. But at the end doing whatever will get us to feel better is what counts. Keep up the good work and postings :)
